This section includes the commented class DTD, and is illustrated with a simple example, that can serve as a template to create new classes and interfaces.

Classes, Interfaces and Documentation

These DTD's are the main parts of the class DTD, which have the elements to declare classes, interfaces, methods, final-state machines and documentation.

Click here to show/download class.dtd.txt.

Click here to show/download interface.dtd.txt.

Final-State Machine

The following DTD is final-state machine part of the class DTD. It defines how a final-state machine can be declared for a class.

Click here to show/download _syncfsm.dtd.txt.


The following DTD is the event part of the class DTD. It defines how events are declared for a class or interface.

Click here to show/download _event.dtd.txt.


This is an example of an interface.

Click here to show/download InterfaceExample.xml.txt.

This is an example of a class that extends the previous interface and with a final-state machine.

Click here to show/download ClassExample.xml.txt.